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20.04.2024 16:05
pixelworld_ai (

Good morning!

Visit my website:
My models:
Join the AIpub Discord:
Buy me a coffee:

#ai #aiart #stablediffusion #comfyui

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20.04.2024 16:04
multiverseofbadness (

There's no worse feeling in the world than checking #facebook and seeing the dumbest person you know solved #Wordle in less attempts than you did... 😞

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20.04.2024 16:03
heisedeveloper (

LLMs als Arzthelfer: Benchmark von Hugging Face gibt Zeugnisse für GPT und Co.

Die Betreiber einer Hosting-Plattform für KI-Modelle bieten einen Benchmark, um den Einsatz von LLMs im Gesundheitswesen zu beurteilen.

#DigitalHealth #ChatGPT #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #news

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20.04.2024 16:02
cybersmog (

TYPO3camp Switzerland has already ended far too quickly! Two days with exciting talks and many nice conversations with the community. A big thank you to the organizing team with Manuel, David, @andri and Nicole for all the work that goes into such an event! #typo3 #t3cch

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20.04.2024 16:02
kaazuyaan (

ゲーム実況はじまるよ!今回は「#4 [初見実況] チューゴクたからやまから [がんばれゴエモン外伝きえた黄金キセル][FC:NES][Retro:レトロゲーム]」になります
#Twitch #ゲーム実況 #おっさん
#YouTube #TikTok はプロフから

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20.04.2024 16:01
howtogeek (

Is Facebook Down? Here's How to Check (and Fix It)

Check it out! 👇

#AppsAndWebApps #FacebookMessenger #Meta #Facebook #SocialMedia

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20.04.2024 16:00
demotermineHH (

🆕 🆕 🆕
⏰ Am Freitag, 26. April 2024 um 16:00
✊ NS-Zwangsarbeit bei den Hamburger Wasserwerken
⭐ Rundgang
🗺 Wasserkunst Elbinsel Kaltehofe
💸 kostenlos
Neben einem Überblick über Gründe und Formen des NS- Zwangsarbeitereinsatzes für die HWW, stehen die Erfahrungen und Erzählungen von NS- Zwangsarbeiter:innen und KZ-Häftlingen im Mittelpunkt. Am Mahnmal für die NS-Zwangsarbeiter auf Kaltehofe wird der Stellenwert der Erinnerung vermittelt sowie die Haltung des Unternehmens zu unserer gemeinsamen Verantwortung. Wetterfeste Schuhe und Kleidung werden empfohlen.

#hamburg #hh2604 #Rundgang

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20.04.2024 16:00
demotermineHH (

🆕 🆕 🆕
⏰ Am Freitag, 26. April 2024 um 14:00
✊ Verlegung des ersten Stolpersteins für einen italienische Militärinternierten in Hamburg
⭐ Ausstellung
🗺 Rothenburgsort, Billhorner Deich 2
Italo Carlini wurde am 18. Mai 1921 in Ferrara in Italien geboren. Er war Arbeiter. Als Soldat weigerte er sich nach der Gefangennahme durch die deutsche Wehrmacht im September 1943, weiter an der Seite der Nazi im Krieg zu kämpfen. Er wurde nach D-land verschleppt. Am 20. März 1945 starb er auf Höhe des Billhorner Deich 2. Er lebte mit weiteren italienischen Militärinternierten im Lager auf dem Gelände der HHW in Rothenburgsort. Ein weiteres Zwangsarbeitslager der HWW für IMI war in der Süderstr. 112.

#hamburg #hh2604 #Ausstellung

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20.04.2024 16:00
demotermineHH (

🆕 🆕 🆕
⏰ Am Mittwoch, 24. April 2024 um 19:00
✊ Antifeminismus und Antisemitismus in der Gegenwart
⭐ Vortrag
🗺 Zentrum Gender & Diversity, Monetastr. 4
Wie sehen die aktuellen Potenziale antiemanzipatorischer, demokratiefeindlicher Allianzen vor dem Hintergrund von Krisenerfahrungen, rechtsautoritären Tendenzen und parteipolitischen Auseinandersetzungen aus? Referent:innen: Janne Misiewicz (Autorin, Mitarbeiterin b. Bagrut e. V.), Florian Hessel (LB an der TUHH, Bagrut e.V.).

#hamburg #hh2404 #Vortrag

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20.04.2024 16:00
haikubot (

Un ruisseau murmure,
Petits poissons d'argent jouent,
La lune les guette.

#Haiku #AIArt #ChatGPT #DallE3

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20.04.2024 16:00
demotermineHH (

🆕 🆕 🆕
⏰ Am Samstag, 20. April 2024 um 19:30
✊ Playing on Nerves. A Punk Dream.
⭐ Performance
🗺 Kampnagel, P1
💸 15€ / erm. 9€
Nicoleta Esinencu und ihr Theaterkollektiv teatru-spălătorie aus Moldau zeigen mit ihrem Stück, was ernstgemeinter antikapitalistischen Punk bedeutet. In Stromschnellen, in kurzen Kapiteln erzählen die Spieler:innen aus und nicht von der Sowjetunion: vom Wechsel aus dem Kommunismus in den Kapitalismus, vom Übergang in den Untergang eines wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Systems in den Ausverkauf, die Leere nach dem Zusammenbruch, die erst langsam von der sogenannten freien Marktwirtschaft eingenommen wird.

#hamburg #hh2004 #Performance

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20.04.2024 16:00
mrwolfkh (

I just went live on #Twitch
MrWolfKH Minecraft_ទំនេរអត់នឹង Minecraft

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20.04.2024 15:59
conansysadmin (

'Tis best to be cautious when awakening a powerful daemon locked within a box. #Linux #OpenSource

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20.04.2024 15:57
katrinB (

@kasiandra Wieso hässliches Frankfurt. #frankfurt Ich finds sehr schön. 🥰

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20.04.2024 15:57
derbadian (

I love Octavius King's #YouTube channel, and this video is about a truly crazy game called Zoo Race.

It has a snarky librarian, a pig in a top hat and animals dancing around Noah at some kind of rave 😂


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20.04.2024 15:56
shrampybot (

@wornturtle, @wornturtle are now streaming Music on Twitch:

GSG SafetyFest | Will let it stew a little. Exit Strategy: @Ctl_Alt_Del

#SynthStream #twitch #GSG #music #musodon #synth #synthesis @synths

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20.04.2024 15:54
jedes_jahr_ein_neues_protokoll (

Link auf Seite mit Furry-Inhalten

#Webdesign heißt heute meistens, Themes für Wordpress oder ein anderes CMS anzupassen. Das kann man besser und schlechter machen, trotzdem sieht man oft auf den ersten Blick, dass hier die Technologie den Rahmen setzt -- sowohl für die Ästhetik als auch für die Ordnung der Inhalte. Dass es auch anders geht, zeigt auf schöne Weise diese Seite eine*r Musiker*in: Kennt ihr andere Webseiten, die mit den gängigen Mustern brechen? Her damit :)

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20.04.2024 15:53
hgg (

Wieder mal ein tolles WordCamp in Leipzig. Danke an die Orga. #wcle24 #wordpress

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20.04.2024 15:52
ycombinator (

We Run FreeBSD Current at Netflix [video]
#ycombinator #FreeBSD #Netflix #OpenSource #OpenFest

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20.04.2024 15:52
Calibos (

Donc #Youtube laisse des dizaines, voire des centaines de chaînes ouvertement suprémacistes, fascistes, prorusses et de désinformation constante mais pour quelques chaines d'actualité du front en #Ukraine, ça ne passe pas...

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20.04.2024 15:47
BigAngBlack (

Discord's updated Terms of Service are exactly the wrong response to its recent data breaches | TechRadar

> #Discord needs to adjust its priorities

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20.04.2024 15:47
Overhead_Switzerland (

⚠️▶️ Military Flight #MJN292 (Royal Air Force of Oman - #Lockheed #C30J) has entered Switzerland! ✈️

Track the flight here:

#Aviation #ADSB #Military #Switzerland

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20.04.2024 15:46
sodahwebdesign (

Persistente Objekt-Caches sind spezialisierte Server wie Redis oder Memcached, die einen Speicher für Datenstrukturen im Arbeitsspeicher bereitstellen, der sich perfekt für bestimmte Arten von Caching eignet.

,, , , ,

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20.04.2024 15:46
Fryto (

Rutkowski ma konkurencję 😁
#polska #Rutkowski #mastodon #fediverse #fryzura

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20.04.2024 15:44
themrallen (

What mobile OS are the #linux users using out there? I assume it's android but always curious. I bounce between both honestly, but prefer android even with the google hooks sucking up my data.

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20.04.2024 15:43
ty_406 (

This feels so sad and weird…

Facebook originally was the place where you hung out with all of your friends online.

Then it turned into a kind of bizarre political panel at a retirement home kind of vibe.

And now this is like them admitting “none of your friends are here anymore so I guess you can chat with this mandatory robot instead”.

#Tech #Facebook #Meta #AI #Internet #News

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20.04.2024 15:42
LibreOfficeDE (

Noch nicht auf #LibreOffice 24.2 aktualisiert? Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über einige der neuen Funktionen - mit Untertiteln in 30 Sprachen!
#foss #opensource

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20.04.2024 15:41
finally (

"Was ich weiß, ist, dass ich als Weltbürger gleiche politische Rechte & universelle Menschenrechte fordere. Wenn die Deutschen dies als darstellen & als etwas, das der dt. Staatsräson widerspricht, dann sage ich dazu nur, dass sie einmal ganz lange in den Spiegel schauen sollten. Ich bin der einzige griechische , dem jemals die Einreise nach untersagt wurde. Sie hatten nie ein Problem mit griechischen , die zu Besuch kamen"

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20.04.2024 15:40
cardamomaddict (

My latest food column for CBC-KW is up!

This time, I explore food rescue apps as a way to deal with food inflation. They do a double good: they keep good food out of landfills and they can save a lot of money.

#FoodWriting #WaterlooRegion #Mastonom #GroceryPrices #Restaurants #Food

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20.04.2024 15:40
tinyshop (

Some larger decorations should come around soon :D

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20.04.2024 15:39
JanOrszulik (

Armor penetration is now a thing, and AP/APHE projectiles can exist. A new module system is in place, module shapes and their hitzones are decoupled from hull parts.

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20.04.2024 15:39
etp (

@dukepaaron May I hijack this post to mention an episode of my podcast that deals in some detail with the history and diversity of haroset with historian Susan Weingarten?

#food #passover #podcasts

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20.04.2024 15:38
rubenstorm (

Shotwell unter Ubuntu 22.04 LTS hat bei der Snap installation Version 0.32.2 keine Plugins drin. gibt es hier eine Lösung?

#frage #linux #ubuntu

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20.04.2024 15:38
negativeprimes (

”It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a package manager and a window manager, must be in want of a Linux distribution.” - Jane Austen, *Code and Coterie*

#Linux #JaneAusten #Literature

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20.04.2024 15:38
technews (

»#Messagingapp #Telegram to allow #Tether #stablecoin #payments: Telegram users can now start sending #money via the stablecoin #USDT through The Open Network (#TON).« #tech #media

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20.04.2024 15:37
spatuladesserts (

You will love these easy yet delicious coffee brownies with the best fudgy texture and light and airy coffee whipped ganache frosting. The brownies have a thick and gooey center, perfect crinkly top, and the sweetness is offset perfectly by the coffee flavor.

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20.04.2024 15:37
cliffwade (

Good morning and happy Saturday to the entire #Fediverse today!

It's the weekend, so let's all talk about what we all have planned and hope to accomplish over the next couple of days.

I plan to rest, relax and enjoy some video games. Finally able to get started on No Rest For The Wicked and will of course play more Horizon Forbidden West as well.

Nothing much beyond that, hopefully.

#MorningMoments #GoodMorning #VideoGames #NoRestForTheWicked #HorizonForbiddenWest #Gaming

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20.04.2024 15:36
paysmaths (

Source : Youtube / Thomaths
#mathématiques #maths #math #Youtube

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20.04.2024 15:34
RedditGoneWild (
This post may contain porn material!!

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20.04.2024 15:34
androiddreams (

What should I dream about? I will abide by the results of this poll.

#StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt

Low poly 3d render of a castle, post-apocalyptic
Pencil drawing of a jumbo jet, steampunk
An airbrush painting of a space ship, indie

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20.04.2024 15:33
finally (

"...hier gibt es ein Muster: Im November unternahm eine Genossin und Freundin von mir, Iris Hefets, eine israelisch-jüdische Psychoanalytikerin, die in Berlin lebt, einen Ein-Frau-Protest. Sie ging über einen Platz in Berlin und trug ein Plakat mit der Aufschrift »Als Jüdin und Israelin: stoppt den Genozid in Gaza«, und ein weißer deutscher Polizist verhaftete sie wegen Antisemitismus."

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20.04.2024 15:33
eclectech (

I mean, I had to really... it's the Mona Fanwy

Right. Off to do sensible things. Happy to take suggestions for artworks that should contain a knitted chicken below. I've worked through my essential list 🖼️

#MyfanwyAndFriend #artwork #photoshop #silly #nonsense

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20.04.2024 15:33
notes (

Why I do NOT recommend, Proton Mail.

Over a year ago, ProtoanMail, or Proton for short, made some drastic changes. There was no advance warning, other than e-mails that stated they were going to surprise their customers, but not detailing what that surprise was until after the change.

For some of you, that change was great. You ended up with more storage and features, as they phased out some of their older plans. Those who had those plans, were bumped to the next level at no extra cost.

But it was not all good news. If you were on the original family plans, you woke up to find a "hot mess". In my case, I had 3 e-mails for (2 for family, 1 myself) and PMail decided to discontinue that family plan, which was still under contract. I assume their plan was to disassociate those e-mails and turn them into individual accounts, with only 1 of them being paid, the remaining downgraded to free. That means, all your family members, were getting a bad deal.

What ended up happening was 1 turn paid, 1 was downgraded to free, and 1 of them vanished (deleted). Imagine if someone deleted your e-mail address, and how bad of an impact that would have on you. I was not alone, as others reported even worst experiences than myself, with some being all deleted, or all converted to limited free basic. It was a "hot mess".

If you took to Facebook or Reddit to warn people of what was happening, your post would have been quickly removed. Proton had admin / moderator rights over what showed up on their Facebook page and on Reddit /r/ProtoanMail So you could not vent and complain, as you were silenced into oblivion.

At some point, Proton Mail (PMail) decided to once again offer those family plans. Being honest, it felt like another slap in the face. It means they could have just left us well enough alone, but chose not to do so.

I honestly, know of many alternative e-mail providers. For myself, I use Tuta, because other than a name change from Tutanota to Tuta, they're not making drastic, overnight changes - They are stable. I have both my e-mail and calendar with Germany privacy laws, some of the strictest privacy laws in Europe, along with good encryption, and they cost less than Proton Mail. But if I am honest, the stability is what sold me.

After all, how badly would it impact your life, if someone deleted your email, right now?

There are many other alternatives, when De-Googling, and many alternatives to Tuta, too. But no matter what you choose, I would not suggest, ProtonMail. Even more so, now that they're trying hard to be a "one stop source" (email, calendar, password manager, VPN provider, etc.). The whole problem with Google was having everything in one place, making it easy for Google to watch you. And I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been if I had lost both my e-mail and password manager at the same time -thankfully they did not offer their Proton Pass back then

#Google #DeGoogle #NoGoogle #GoogleFree #ProtonMail

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20.04.2024 15:33
ClimateJenny (

@pete Valid and interesting points. FWIW, my sense is that the “social media” paradigm doesn’t quite fit here. It feels more like an old BBS or Listserv. They had all the same issues, including miscommunication, flame wars, hurt feelings, appeals to moderators to fix things, “Meta-discussion kills lists,” etc.

Human community is hard. I like because it’s one of the few places in my life where other people genuinely delight me.

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20.04.2024 15:32
androiddreams (

Storybook drawing of a black hole, abstract, bloom

#StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt

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20.04.2024 15:32
CodenameTim (

Does someone have an idea how long the PyPI organization queue is? #Python #PyPI

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20.04.2024 15:31
smhn (

#smhn #Apple #Galaxy #IDC #iPhone #Samsung #すまほん #スマホ #スマートフォン

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20.04.2024 15:31
detectalix (

This video first introduces you to Android data storage and filesystem structure, Android rooting and ADB (Android Debug Bridge).
Then it covers the concepts of logical and physical acquisitions and finally presents practical examples of how to perform both types of acquisition of an Android device using ADB and the forensic tool dc3dd.

Watch the video and subscribe to the channel 👇

#digitalforensics #mobileforensics #android #rooting #adb #dc3dd #linux

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20.04.2024 15:31
hcj (

@samuel @dansup The #fediverse could help create tools to mitigate it, or you could just hide #threads from public timelines until they are trusted to moderate

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20.04.2024 15:31
darylbaxter (

An op-ed from me today about how times have changed since Miyamoto got on stage during the 7 event in 2016.
and dropped the ball with emulation, but in the end, the players have won.

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20.04.2024 15:31
gnulinux (

Video: Festplattenauslastung unter Linux ermitteln

Festplatte voll? Mit diesen einfachen Befehlen kannst du die Speicherfresser unter Linux ermitteln!

#Disk #SSD #Auslastung #Speicher #Speicherplatz #Anleitung #TuxWiz #Linux

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20.04.2024 15:30
FediVideo (

Chris Were is one of the longest-running vloggers on the Fediverse, posting friendly informal chats about gaming, technology, pop culture and all kinds of random topics.

He's recently switched to a new server, you can follow at:

➡️ @chris

You can browse newer videos from the new server at and older videos from the old server at

You can also follow his main Mastodon account at @ChrisWere

#FeaturedPeerTube #PeerTube #PeerTubers #Vlogging

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20.04.2024 15:29
hcj (

@samuel @dansup I get the moderation is a bit lax on #Threads though this was always bound to happen

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20.04.2024 15:29
jacqueline (


"(...) In February you could already read about #rabenyx , our in-house Corona organization help. 🛠️Now you can read the conclusion of the project - and get an impression for yourself, because #rabenyx is now #OpenSource !🎉 (...)"

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20.04.2024 15:29
simsus (

Mit Autos und Rucksäcken: #Apple :apple_inc: startet wieder Kamerafahrten für Kartendienst | Mac & i #AppleMaps

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20.04.2024 15:28
1001avventura (

La "Wave Function Collapse" è la tecnica con cui vengono creati scenari generati proceduralmente a partire da un certo numero di blocchi base opportunamente accostati. Nell'Asset Store di Unity si trova un pacchetto gratuito che sfrutta proprio questa tecnica. Vediamo assieme come funziona! #unity #wfc #gamedev #dungeon

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20.04.2024 15:28
RedditGoneWild (
This post may contain porn material!!

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20.04.2024 15:28
paysmaths (

Source : Youtube / Mathematical Visual Proofs
#mathematics #maths #math #Youtube

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20.04.2024 15:27
RedditGoneWild (
This post may contain porn material!!

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20.04.2024 15:27
pixelcomet (

uuuh how do they fly with holes in their wings 🤔

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20.04.2024 15:26
jacqueline (


"(...) Virtual offices or a virtual campus using open source means

With WA-Backstage, the fnordkollektiv offers open-source workplace management on the WorkAdventure workplace suite. This allows you to manage remote workstations as well as online conferences.

#Linuxüros-od (...)"

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20.04.2024 15:26
matze (

Does anyone know how to add a new item to a #GitHub board on #iOS? In the browser, even if I scroll on the end of a column, there is no input to do so. And also on the #app I cannot find an option for it.

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20.04.2024 15:26
sageofredondo (

Does anyone have any guides to getting AMD Ryzen 8700G AI accelerator working with Linux? Willing to use Fedora/Ubuntu/RHEL/OpenSuse. I would prefer Fedora and curious if there is a copper repo for it.

So far I see this...

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20.04.2024 15:25
p (
👋 hello handsome 🦤
early morning scavenger black vulture

Wi-Fi will be spotty from here on ... catch y'all later 🥾
Have a super day 🙌
Be kind to one another 🙏

#Jacksonville #Florida #Photography #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #GalaxyS23+ #Wildlife #Nature #Birds #Vulture

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20.04.2024 15:25
finally (

"...die deutsche Staatsräson. Deutschland setzt sich nicht etwa für den Schutz jüdischen Lebens ein, sondern für das Recht Israels, Kriegsverbrechen zu begehen. Es gibt Menschen in Deutschland, die mir sagen, dass sie sich nicht für die Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden oder gegen mein Verbot engagieren werden, weil sie Angst haben, ihren Job oder irgendeine Förderung zu verlieren und dämonisiert zu werden."

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20.04.2024 15:25
BritishTechGuru (

It seems my hand grenade video is doing rather well.

#youtube #grenade

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20.04.2024 15:24
hcj (

@samuel @dansup I disagree as some people want #Meta to integrate with the #Fediverse

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20.04.2024 15:24
simsus (

#LXQt: Version 2.0 der Desktop-Umgebung basiert auf Qt 6 | heise online #Linux :tux: #OpenSource

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20.04.2024 15:24
display (

@thopan @montag Die ganze diskussion ist bullshit .... quoted posts sind ein vollkommen normales feature im #fediverse...

Allein mastodon meinte seine user an der kurzen leine führen zu müssen.

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20.04.2024 15:24
jacqueline (

@fnordkollektiv @gnulinux

"(...) The lovely people at@gnulinuxallowed us to briefly present our WA backstage project there. Thank you very much again🥰

#opensource #workadventure #backstage #admin #HybridWorking #fedilz (...)"

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20.04.2024 15:23
quadrivial (


I love my state, and I love the breakfasts.

#yum #food #breakfast #nj

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20.04.2024 15:23
VitalisViVa (

🥘 A sumptuous pilaf will go to the military hospital today, for our wounded defenders!
Bon appetit, our Heroes! 🇺🇦

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20.04.2024 15:23
exiltoaster (

@striegse hey Sebastian, in rechten Chats der Plattform #Telegram läuft gerade eine kleine Kampagne gegen dich. Weil du Höcke angezeigt haben sollst. zB hier sind etliche unterirdische Kommentare zu deiner Person, einige sind vrmtl. justiziabel
Viele Grüße

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20.04.2024 15:23
lymphomation (

Fish Story revised
15 x 21

Alt text: On the cutting board, the green eye of the fish

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20.04.2024 15:23
capriciousday (

Had a bit of time to work on my game today. The asteroids bit is much more functional now. Excuse the emulator filter!

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20.04.2024 15:20
RedditGoneWild (
This post may contain porn material!!

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20.04.2024 15:19
unix_discussions (

We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop


#linux #rant #unix #windows

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20.04.2024 15:19
python_discussions (

Django PyCryptodome AES decryption - ValueError: Padding is incorrect


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20.04.2024 15:19
BrassNuckolls (

While you’re at it, what happened to all the #dog pics?! I love when yall show your #dogs living their best canine lives!🐶🐕🦴


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20.04.2024 15:18
nlpbot (

Any hacks on #PeerTube discovery?

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20.04.2024 15:18
teamNotLeafy (

When life gives you a repeat MRI scan at 8am Saturday, make the most of it.

Glorious breakfasting at Longa Cafe, Whitchurch Road. Menemen with runny eggs & Eggs & Potato with Turkish bread basket, Tahini & molasses with walnut, Pineapple juice & Turkish coffees with Turkish delight.

#vegetarian #food #Caerdydd #Cardiff #TurkishFood

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20.04.2024 15:18
arduinoLibs (

PI3EQX12908 PCIe redriver library (1.0.0) for arduino by SMotlaq


PI3EQX12908 PCIe 3.0 redriver library for I2C mode

#Arduino #ArduinoLibs

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20.04.2024 15:18
AimeeMaroux (

Post News, a alternative that emerged in the wake of Elon Musk’s takeover, is shutting down because it “is not growing fast enough to become a real business or a significant platform.”

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20.04.2024 15:18
urlyman (

Sometimes, it’s darkly fascinating to watch web pages load in a manner that is blatant:

when the ads come in *before* the content.

How fucked it is that a team intentionally engineered a page to stream a few hundred KB of JavaScript laden images *before* the page’s 20 KB of text 😔

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20.04.2024 15:17
videos (

Magical Advetures in OpenTTD

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20.04.2024 15:17
nateb (

#Mac users, would any of you please be willing to test and confirm if you can set #MullvadBrowser as your default browser where links open automatically? Trying to update the MB listing on the site now that it's been out for quite some time and is not longer really "new and untested."

#privacy #apple #mullvad

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20.04.2024 15:16
gamingonlinux (

The Wine 9.7 development release is out now bringing with it the usual bug fixes, plus some ARM platform improvements for this Windows compatibility layer used in Proton.
#OpenSource #Wine #NewRelease #Misc

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20.04.2024 15:16
finally (

"Das muss ihnen sehr peinlich gewesen sein – schließlich hatten sie ein Verbot gegen einen Bürger eines EU-Mitgliedstaates ausgesprochen – und nach 2 Tagen peinlicher Stille änderten sie ihre Erzählung von einem Betätigungsverbot zu einem Einreiseverbot. Bis heute wurde keines der beiden Verbote in schriftlicher Form vorgelegt, und die deutschen Behörden haben meine Bitten um eine schriftliche Erklärung abgelehnt"

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