A friendly reminder,
The Fediverse, the social network you're using to avoid Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or Blue Sky, is managed by real people, and not corporations. These real people, your administrator, pay for hosting so that you may share your thought, feelings, or just randomly sh-t post.
If you're financially able, take a moment to reach out to your administrator, and ask if they need help. Even a little bit can help.
#Mastodon #Misskey #CherryPick #Sharkey #Fediverse #ActivityPub
FEP-9967: Polls
Signed up on #Bluesky to give it a try.
I concluded that it doesnt't work for me. Half of the accounts I follow on the #Fediverse are not there, including almost all Threads accounts. There is also no way to follow hashtags. Overall it feels more isolated than here. I think they should implement the W3C standard #ActivityPub to improve integration.
Until that happens, I would like to encourage everyone on Bluesky to bridge their posts to the Fediverse and vice versa. ;)
Wer die potentielle Power hinter #ActivityPub erst mal kapiert, auch fürs eigene Produkt, wird sich gerne assimilieren. Es braucht Zeit, weil die Social-Hype-Priester immer woanders ihre Glöckchen läuten (immer irgendwo bei den Plattformen). Doch es wird - mit der Zeit. Unaufhaltsam.
I think my trending post may have crashed, Misskey Dot De.
It is not the 1st time, I have found something I shared could not handle the traffic.
The post was shared over 2,000+ times with nearly 2,000 likes, and it was only growing.
I think Misskey, and generally Misskey forks, start to take a toll when you're trending.
#Misskey #Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub
In case you weren’t aware, Pixelfed and Loops are #Fediverse-driven alternatives to Instagram and TikTok.
A Kickstarter campaign was launched earlier today to help fund the development of these projects and it’s 99% funded already!
#Kickstarter #ActivityPub #Loops #Pixelfed
Crazy and gross but that explains a lot. We are talking about corporations here. What about starting their own #ActivityPub servers? I assume we'd be immune like they run their own websites and email servers. We are a decentralized network of independent sites like the rest of the open internet. As they say, #bluesky is a platform. Or the #NFL could run one fedi server for all their teams. #SocialWeb
Bridgy Fed, a project to connect the open social web, is now becoming a nonprofit. #ActivityPub #ATprotocol
Posted into THE FEDIVERSE VS. CORPORATE SOCIAL MEDIA @the-fediverse-vs-corporate-social-media-mobileatom
NvidAI is the new SamDroid
SamDroid was the new WinTel
WinTel was the new AT&T / American Telephone & Telegraph
AT&T was once the new AP-Western Union / Associated Press-WU
Western Union was the new Pony Express.
AP-RSS / ActivityPub RSS are the new non-Silos
Silos pretended to be RSS
RSS was/is the non-Silo
WorldWideWeb was/is the new non-Silo
Internet was the new CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL, CR/S [Canada Remote Systems], The Source
| #NvidAI #SamDroid #WinTel #AT&T #RSS #AP #ActivityPub
@stux yeah, cuz #ActivityPub as an #OpenStandard can be reimplemented and self-hosted an infinite amount if times, so even if all the current existing options got bullied ibto closure, it'll remain useable.
Great read if you're interested in how the #activitypub protocol works:
hey #fediverse what is the current #activitypub server that provides features similar to #mastodon or #pleroma that uses the fewest resources? Is there anything there that is good for single user instances?
I'm aware of GoToSocial and Honk but wondering what else is there.