The great wide open?
Needlessly long explanation for something that just made me very happy:
Several weeks ago I finally got a basic level of #ActivityPub functionality running on my app, but I haven't tested it in the wild. I don't want it connected to the fediverse until I've convinced myself it meets some minimal (and really quite low if I'm honest) quality standard.
Development has been about 80%-ish test-driven, and most of these tests are synthetic integration tests, meaning a test service connects to a running instance of the app and runs tests as if it were a user. Or when that's overkill, it just connects to the API as if it were another component service.
But now I've built a whole new section of tests called "interop". The first interop test launches a whole-ass Mastodon server, with all its little worker bees and databases and everything, configures it, then logs in to remote control it.
Finally just now, after all the Docker weirdness, glitchy startup processes, SSL certificate complaints, unexplained errors passed along with a shrug, and other demoralizing impediments, the test suite logs into Mastodon.
It may not sound like a lot, but it's been a long, frustrating multi-month road getting here. I can't wait for this silly thing to join the community.
@tio @peertube @sober_pirate I agree, we need much more promotion so it can take traction, that seems to be the biggest hurdle at the moment.
In it's current state #peertube and it's connection to the #fediverse via #activitypub is already far superior to #youtube ! In addition to so many other features:)
One thing I think that is really needed is perhaps a way to "boost" content that could point to a central database on #joinpeertube so we would have a way of discovering popular videos.
ActivityPub bot framework for creating Fediverse bots, powered by Fedify
With, @Flipboard, and @threads posts along with all of the other posts from @Mastodon and the other platforms that support #ActivityPub, I’m having zero issues keeping up with It’s nice to finally have my social media world (de)centralized and 100% in my control and using my own domain.
Let's say I have a #WordPress blog which federates and I want to also have some posts that ~only~ federate and don't appear on the blog. Because I want to do some social stuff socially without making the blog unbloggy. Is there support for that? Specifically, is there support to mirror posts from an evil corporate network to fedi without making them blog posts?
Seeing Wafrn users on Bluesky lately. I knew that used ActivityPub and I vaguely remember ATProto support being mentioned, I presume it's live now.
I think Wafrn is the first service I've seen that supports both, and seemingly pretty gracefully too.
#Wafrn #Bluesky #Fediverse #ActivityPub #ATProto
Is there anybody out there, who is able/wants to discuss about reading Collections via C2S api ?
#activitypubdev #activitypub #rdfpub
This is a reformatted and updated text from 8 years ago:
The Open Media Network (#OMN) is a reboot of the “indymedia” project, reimagined as an open, decentralized network for sharing and aggregating content across websites. Guided by the principles of the #4opens and motivated by the PGA hallmarks, OMN creates a people-to-people trust-based tagging system that fosters collaboration and ethical aggregation.
What Are OMN Nodes?
OMN nodes are the backbone of the network. These nodes perform specific functions to enable the sharing and dissemination of content within the OMN ecosystem:
Hosting Content Flows: Nodes curate and host flows of content based on tags from other OMN sites on subjects that interest them.
Content is imported via RSS from external sites and by #ActivityPub from #Fediverse and OMN sites.
Tagging and Retagging: Nodes can tag and retag objects within content flows to direct them to other nodes or to specific sections, such as sidebars/pages on websites.
Providing Tagged Content: Nodes offer tagged content flows to other sites, which can embed the content using codes as needed.
Content Archiving (Optional): Nodes may choose to archive content locally.
The roles and functionality of nodes will evolve organically as the network develops.
Types of Sites in the OMN
OMN sites serve different purposes within the network:
Publishing Sites: The original sources of content. Typically, provide an #RSS feed of ActivityPub flow for the network.
Aggregating Sites: Focus on specific subjects, localities, or themes. Receive feeds from publishing sites and curate high-quality, trusted content for distribution to higher-level nodes.
News/Link Portals: Regional, national, or major subject sites. Aggregate trusted feeds from intermediate aggregating sites and select publishing sites.
The Human Element of OMN
The OMN emphasizes human moderation and relationship building:
Trust: Relationships between node administrators, content providers, and users form the foundation of the network.
Decentralization: Unlike traditional centralized models, OMN’s structure encourages openness and collaboration.
Ethical Aggregation: Content is networked respectfully to create a robust alternative to failing commercial platforms (#dotcons).
Key Features of Ethical Aggregation
Prominent display of OMN links on participating sites.
Links are live and direct users to the original host site for reading and commenting.
Original sources are credited under content titles.
Aggregation behaviour (e.g., full content in apps) is agreed upon by both parties, with opt-out options available.
Ad placements near Creative Commons non-commercial content require explicit agreement.
Building the Network
OMN leverages existing web standards to build an open “data soup” that enables many new possibilities:
Legacy Web Integration: Uses RSS for backward compatibility.
Semantic Web Transition: Moves towards a peer-to-peer semantic web with technologies with more p2p protocols.
User Stories: Articles published on one site can appear on many other sites, always linking back to the original source.
User Contributions
OMN encourages continuous improvement and collaboration:
Content remains open-ended to invite contributions and dialogue.
Tags and semantic data added by aggregators enhance the content flow for others.
Joining the OMN
Participation is voluntary and flexible:
Existing sites can continue operating independently while sharing content via RSS.
Posting can be done through personal blogs, group sites, or portals like #indymedia.
For “news” – A New Indymedia
Aggregating hubs/nodes in OMN represent the “new indymedia”:
These hubs may focus on subjects, countries, regions, or cities.
Unlike the centralizing elements of traditional networks, OMN’s open model reduces the need for centralized control.
Licensing and Openness
OMN adheres to open licensing principles:
Content is shared freely within the network.
Licensing ensures respect for contributors and promotes ethical usage.
Encouraging Collaboration
OMN thrives on contributions and engagement:
Leave questions or incomplete ideas to inspire participation.
Create linking overviews or summary articles that highlight stories within content flows.
Encourage human relationships to grow the trust-based network.
The Open Media Network (OMN) is an ambitious and open-ended project that reimagines decentralized media sharing for the modern web. By fostering collaboration, trust, and ethical practices, OMN empowers participants to build a sustainable and impactful alternative to the dieing corporate media platforms.
#4opens #activitypub #dotcons #fediverse #indymedia #OMN #rss
Labeler - a self hostable, MRF inspired labeler service for ActivityPub
Create, or subscribe to 3rd party labeler servers you or your friends manage, and take advantage of a rich filter schema to define rules and actions to apply to incoming activities.
Loops will be the first service to support this new Pixelfed labs project ✨
Sagen wir mal so, ich will es nicht ausschließen.
Ich hätte noch Bedarf, mich rechtlich-juristisch schlauzumachen...
... auch auch technisch wäre jede Menge zu tun.
Und dann wäre natürlich die Frage, inwieweit überhaupt Interesse an einem weiteren #Fediverse-Server dieser Art besteht.
Zunächst werde ich mal schauen, allgemein weiter an der Technik zu arbeiten... es sind noch diverse Dinge auf der ToDo-Liste... und die Entwicklung bei #ActivityPub bleibt auch nicht stehen... ebenso entwickelt sich die #Mastodon-#Client-#API weiter, die #Mammuthus auch soweit (oder in Teilen) unterstützt.
I'm redesigning my #E2EE architecture to use #OpenMLS instead of Vodozemac. Inertia seems to be with the former and I'd like to see #ActivityPub stay at the forefront.
I should have a working proof-of-concept soon. The big challenge seems to be with persistence; with Vodozemac, I could maintain a separate session record for each conversation. With MLS, all of the Groups are maintained in a single storage
object for each user. And that storage is not designed with web server persistence in mind, so I've had to get a little creative. I think I can make it work.
You can follow along here.