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22.04.2024 11:10
mikewink (@mikewink@mastodon.social)

The browsers of choice installed are , and of course . I am tempted to make a switch to Safari as my daily driver. I have never really used it, as it was quite difficult to customize.

For all things AI, I am pleased with and one of the current top 3 models.

When it comes to GUIs for Ollama I have , and installed.

But to be honest, I am not a heavy AI user. I still do not have found a (killer) use case for me.

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11.04.2024 09:22
habr (@habr@zhub.link)

Домашняя нейронка. Какое «железо» выбрать для Stable Diffusion?

Нейросетями теперь пользуются почти все мои знакомые. Чат-боты с искусственным интеллектом в плане сбора информации намного удобнее поисковых систем, а нейросети, генерирующие картинки по запросу, нашли свое применение в рекламе и иллюстрировании контента. Однако как раз с ними не все столь гладко, как хотелось бы. Доступ к одним без плясок с бубном и нервотрепки невозможно оплатить из России, другие не радуют качеством изображений, путаясь в количестве пальцев, изгибая конечности персонажей невообразимым образом или выдавая в ответ на запрос совсем не то, что требовалось. Тут у меня и возникла идея развернуть Stable Diffusion на локальной машине, чтобы не мучиться с оплатой и токенами. А для этого сначала следует разобраться, какое железо потребуется для реализации подобной задумки.


#Stable_Diffusion #SDXL #stability_ai #AUTOMATIC1111 #vladmandic #Fooocus #SHARK #nvidia #amd #DirectML #OpenVINO #Tensor #DiffusionBee

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07.04.2024 00:15
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
a portrait photo of ericolivermaechler as a hacker, cinematic lightning, 24mm

long hair, deformed, distorted, disfigured, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, moles, blemishes, white hair, shadow

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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18.03.2024 09:28
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
a portrait photo of ericolivermaechler, sunny day, Notan lighting, HDR, wide-angle, bokeh

long hair, deformed, distorted, disfigured, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, moles, blemishes, white hair, shadow,

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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18.03.2024 00:35
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
a portrait photo of ericolivermaechler, sun lighting, wide-angle lens

long hair, deformed, distorted, disfigured, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, moles, blemishes, white hair, shadow

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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18.03.2024 00:34
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
a portrait photo of ericolivermaechler, sun lighting, 24mm

long hair, deformed, distorted, disfigured, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, moles, blemishes, white hair, shadow

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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17.03.2024 11:42
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
a portrait of ericolivermaechler in a forrest, sunny day, Notan lighting, HDR

long hair, deformed, distorted, disfigured, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, moles, blemishes, white hair, shadow

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #bilderki

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16.03.2024 13:28
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
back to the roots with simple prompting

#prompt a portrait photo of ericolivermaechler, cinematic lightning, 24mm

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #bilderki

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16.03.2024 13:26
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
sometimes things go wrong - me as a monster who like to eat children 🤣

#prompt Craft a lifelike portrait of ericolivermaechler, with a anger face, white teeth, showcasing his entire head with a modest distance from the viewer. The portrait should encompass his features comprehensively, ensuring that the entire head, including the top, is visible. Maintain a slight distance to allow for a sense of depth and presence in the composition. Pay meticulous attention to detail, capturing the intricacies of his facial structure and expression authentically. Employ lighting techniques to accentuate the three-dimensional aspect of the portrait while preserving realism

#negativeprompt 3d, cartoon, anime, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)) Low Rated, Frame, tumblr, Overlay, Getty Images, Low Quality, Worst Quality, 3D Render, Plastic, Simplistic, plastic, fake, uncanny valley, disfigured, deformed, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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16.03.2024 13:12
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
after learning a lot about this new model i also chose much more complicated prompts - the result has become much better

#prompt Craft a lifelike portrait of ericolivermaechler,, showcasing his entire head with a modest distance from the viewer. The portrait should encompass his features comprehensively, ensuring that the entire head, including the top, is visible. Maintain a slight distance to allow for a sense of depth and presence in the composition. Pay meticulous attention to detail, capturing the intricacies of his facial structure and expression authentically. Employ lighting techniques to accentuate the three-dimensional aspect of the portrait while preserving realism

#NegativePrompt : 3d, cartoon, anime, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)) Low Rated, Frame, tumblr, Overlay, Getty Images, Low Quality, Worst Quality, 3D 2 face, double head, Render, Plastic, Simplistic, plastic, fake, uncanny valley, disfigured, deformed, blurry, bad anatomy, blurred, watermark, grainy, signature

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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16.03.2024 13:03
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
my first generated image with this new model #epiCRealism

#prompt photorealistic, visionary portrait of ericolivermaechler with weather-worn features, digitally enhanced, high contrast, chiaroscuro lighting technique, intimate, close-up, detailed, steady gaze, rendered in sepia tones, evoking rembrandt, timeless, expressive, highly detailed, sharp focus, high resolution

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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16.03.2024 13:00
p (@p@bild.maechler.cloud)
from here I have trained a new AI / KI Model with new data

based on the #epiCRealism Model

#stablediffusion #diffusionbee #BilderKI

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