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19.04.2024 00:44
geekland (

Running a V Rising Dedicated Server on Linux #docker #game_servers #linux_guides

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18.04.2024 23:32
jakobmiksch (

@underdarkGIS I find setting up Apache or NGINX in combination with #qgis server challenging as well. Currently I use the camp2camp #docker image, however I am thinking about moving the official one

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18.04.2024 23:15
lynze (

Pues Dokémon no lo conocía. Será cuestión de probarlo.

#SelfHosted #SelfHost #Homelab #DockerCompose #Docker #hdsplus

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18.04.2024 22:54
preya (

TIL: By default #Docker does not have log rotation or any size limit for log files on the host. I just found a 64GB logfile on a customer server.

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18.04.2024 20:40
underdarkGIS (

Today, I was again reminded that I'm not Apache admin enough to set it up correctly for #QGIS Server.

Luckily, there's a #Docker container to save the day: spin it up, put the project file in the data dir, and off you go with WMS, WFS, and wfs3 / OGC API


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18.04.2024 16:44
jhx (

Small article about with and /
can sure be fun sometimes 😎 (Or I should rather say using a device under )

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18.04.2024 16:22
habr (

Домашняя лаба. Как собрать домашнюю инфраструктуру мечты

Мой первый опыт на Хабре получился не очень положительным, и, признаюсь, до сих пор смотря на комментарии и оценки, мне стыдно и больно где-то внутри. Потому в имя исправления ошибок молодости решил написать серию статей о том, как дома собрать свою "идеальную" хранилку, или сервак, или мини облако. Поделюсь опытом, своими знаниями и пониманием, а также мыслями, которые могут помочь выполняя похожую задачу для себя.

#NAS #plexmediaserver #docker #ubuntu #zfsonlinux #synology #esxi #diy #лаба #домашний_сервер

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18.04.2024 15:02
xavi (

I surrender for today. My :ladragonera:#pixelfed instance just works because the docker image is still in memory. My repository is messed up, the customisations are broken and the new docker-compose.yml and .env.docker` are completely failing to load, complaining about empty environment variables that have actual values.

I can't find documentation about how to migrate from v0.11.12 to v0.11.13 when using :docker:#Docker. I am disappointed.

To @dansup and the rest of Pixelfed developers: What you did here is a major change released by just bumping a patch version. That confuse instance maintainers. My instance is unexpectedly screwed up.

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18.04.2024 14:36
claus (

@dr_cox1911 In a container, e.g. on a #Docker VM? No problem. I'm #Kubernetes ? Only if you're confident in your CSI and your DR process. Not because kubernetes is unreliable, but because some storage types (like NFS) are not a good choice for databases, and because disaster recovery usually involves lots of ad hoc steps, and that tends to be difficult on kubernetes.

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18.04.2024 12:10
sequundi (

Wer #Docker nutzt, sollte imho unbedingt einen Blick auf #Diun werfen:

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18.04.2024 11:40
zelphirkaltstahl (

Gonna rant a bit.

compose, for as long as I have used it always has some corners, where is seems half-baked. For example:

This silly baked in assumption, that your folder name MUST be your project name. WTF. Why not simply let me CHOOSE what the project name is, if I even want to have one?

Another one: Have services in separate parallel directories? Tough luck! Nothing you can do to make it go to sibling folder and consider all the things there.

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18.04.2024 11:19
hdsplus (

Cómo instalar Dokémon, otra alternativa liviana a Portainer

#SelfHosting #SelfHosted #Docker

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