Saving 10,000 euros with Drupal and the Webforms module. #drupal
Saving 10,000 euros with Drupal and the Webforms module. #drupal
Posted into SYMFONY FOR THE DEVIL @symfony-for-the-devil-mobileatom
I played a bit with #Drupal CMS last night and really liked what I saw.
Ran into a few issues getting the official trial going. Even with my ad blocker fully off, Acquia did not want to let me spin up a site.
Ended up installing it under #DDEV — which was easy enough for me — but this is supposed to be "end user friendly” and getting Docker involved is not that.
If you're at the beginning of your #HeadlessDrupal journey and looking for information, we’re here to help. A “Headless CMS” differs from traditional content management systems by separating the front and back end, making building flexible, scalable, and reusable websites & applications easier.
Our article explains the basics of Headless Drupal and how to implement it in a business setting. Get your blueprint and become headless 😜
#CMS #Decoupled #Composable #Drupal
Any #Drupal people thinking of going to DrupalCon #Atlanta this spring in late March working in #healthcare? There's are summits to kick off the event on March 24, including a Healthcare Summit. We had "table talks" last year with good conversation, including 'your takeaways from DrupalCon and the summit' but having the summit first (better in every other way) does not give such an easy conversation starter? Recommended topics? (Except GenAI/LLMs, it's discussed enough.)
How Goals It 2? An Update on last year's Website Tech Goals and what's in store for 2025. #drupal #GravCMS #WordPress #ghost
How Goals It 2? An Update on last year's Website Tech Goals and what's in store for 2025. #drupal #GravCMS #WordPress #ghost
#DrupalCMS brings a lot of new default features to a fresh install. Accordingly, #Drupal's default theme, Olivero, needs to account for all of this new default functionality.
In our webinar “Extending Drupal’s Default Theme for Drupal CMS” on February 6th at 1pm EST, we'll discuss how Olivero was updated to account for new content types, Experience Builder and more. See what's possible and what's coming!
Sign up here
Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Entity type conversions. From nodes to user and taxonomy terms. #drupal
Migrating Your Data from D7 to D10: Entity type conversions. From nodes to user and taxonomy terms. #drupal
Posted into SYMFONY FOR THE DEVIL @symfony-for-the-devil-mobileatom
#Business #Launches
Drupal CMS 1.0 · A ready-to-use CMS debuts as Drupal celebrates 24 years
#Drupal #OpenSource #NoCode #WebsiteBuilder #ContentManagement #Website #Development #WebDev #Backend #CMS
I’ll be talking about #drupal CMS at CMS Fest in Orlando on January 30.
CMS Fest is being organized by the Orlando PHP and ODevs groups. If you’re in the area, join us!