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28.12.2024 10:43
_elena (@_elena@mastodon.social)

Good morning Fedi friends!

I've got an etiquette question for you.

I'm in the process of setting up my self-hosted instance. I'm excited about the idea of using custom .

I read @stefan's post on this topic (stefanbohacek.com/blog/custom-), looked up custom emojis from several instances and saved a bunch (see screenshot).

My question: is it ok to copy custom emojis from other instances and use them on your own? (There doesn't seem to be attribution for it)

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27.12.2024 21:54
jesuisatire (@jesuisatire@social.tchncs.de)

#fediAsk #fediVers #fediAdmin

The "snitching" issue is becoming a real thing in this day and time, it doesn't actually matter if it's about a single user instance or any kind of simple user.

What is the difference between "snitching", exposing and pointing out?

What is the difference between "währet den Anfängen" und "Denunziantentum"?

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23.12.2024 02:05
kaleb (@kaleb@social.coop)

Many have dreamed of profile portability on the fediverse, but the technical and social barriers to this are nearly insurmountable 😞

Good news!! There is a solution that the techy and non can take advantage of 🎉

I have boosted/posted a lot about #Posty over the past few weeks, but if you read just one make it this detailed overview:


@oliphant@writer.oliphant.social @oliphant@oliphant.social #Posty #Fediverse #Mastodon #Archive #StaticSite #Memorial #Admin #FediAdmin

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22.12.2024 23:30
collins_corner (@collins_corner@pawb.fun)

#fediAdmin #mastoAdmin Since I keep getting requests from various instances that aren't aware, my domain (collins-corner.cc) and it's subdomains are no longer hosting any Fediverse services. They have in the past, but haven't been for a couple months now.

Please feel free to purge all data from these instances from your data stores.

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22.12.2024 17:56
homegrown (@homegrown@social.growyourown.services)

If a Mastodon server closes down, members can download offline post archives, but there's currently no official way to display these archives online.

A proposed solution by @oliphant is a static website generator they have created called "Posty", which turns Mastodon public post archives into standalone static public websites:

➡️ codeberg.org/oliphant/posty

It could be useful for servers that are closing down, admins could perhaps offer this as a service to their members.

#MastoAdmin #FediAdmin

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22.12.2024 16:55
anthracite (@anthracite@dragon.style)

#fediadmin decisions:

defederated from alive.bar, life's too damn short to try and make subtle choices about a Japanese server whose open registrations are letting the "please buy me this eeg" pastebin spammer bug me and my users.

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22.12.2024 14:57
LeoBurr (@LeoBurr@tiggi.es)

@admin You’re about to get defederated if you don’t get your spam bot problem under control. I’ve had to block 5 accounts so far.


#fediadmin #FediBlock

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22.12.2024 06:29
notes (@notes@enby.life)

Content warning:PSA, DM spam bots, please boost for increased visibility

To all Fedi admins and users: please look out for a possible spam wave: https://labyrinth.zone/objects/ca4d58bc-0cb9-428e-b68a-cad78f9f9947

The possible bot(s) seem(s) to be advertising a link to a PasteBin service. See the linked post for details.

#FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #MastoSpam #FediSpam

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22.12.2024 05:13
display (@display@my-place.social)

Small fedi hosting?


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21.12.2024 16:04
ellenor2000 (@ellenor2000@mastodon.top)

Content warning:oblique reference to child sexual abuse material, and fediblock recommendation

I recommend blocking cunny.beauty (a user on which just followed me on my GoToSocial server, where I can't block other servers). The name is a reference to a word used by those who like child sexual abuse material. #fediblock #fediadmin #krokodili

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21.12.2024 16:00
objects (@objects@bv.umbrellix.org)

Averto pri enhavo:oblikva refero al materio pri la seksperforta mistraktado de infanoj, rekomendo fediblock

Mi rekomendas ke oni bloku cunny.beauty (de kie uzanto ĵus ekabonis min ĉe mia GoToSocial (kie mi ne povas bloki servilojn)). La nomo de l’ servilo diras ĉion, kion scii necesas (temas ĉi tie pri vorto, kiun uzas amantoj de «pornografio» (seksperfort-vidaĵoj) de infanoj). #fediblock #fediadmin #krokodili

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21.12.2024 15:56
objects (@objects@bv.umbrellix.org)

Avise pri li contenete:re: obliqui referentie a pornografie de infantes, fediblock recomandation

Yo recommanda que on bloka cunny.beauty (un usator che quel ha juste abonit me che mi GoToSocial (ù yo ne posse blokar servitores)). Li nómine de li servitor dice omni quo es necessi saver (se tracte ci pri un vocabul, quel amantes de pornografie de infantes usa). #fediblock #fediadmin #krokodili

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