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21.01.2025 12:51
catnip (

Do I know anyone who’s on Friendica? I’m hoping it might become a viable replacement for Facebook that I can encourage friends and family to move to. I’ve created a profile at


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21.01.2025 11:07
item (
@wauz ワウズ
Fedi isn't meant for that. It doesn't provide encryption.

Mastodon doesn't. But just because Mastodon doesn't, doesn't mean it isn't available anywhere in the Fediverse.

Hubzilla (official website) and (streams) (code repository) offer groups/forums like Facebook groups. These groups can even be made private. This means:

If you really want to talk in private, you and your counterpart can activate encryption, exchange a common password and communicate with encryption both on the servers and during transmission. In theory, even groups/forums can activate and, if so desired, use this form of encryption.

And Hubzilla and (streams) are very much part of the Fediverse. I'm on Hubzilla right now, and you can read this on Mastodon.

CC: @Dr. Amy, Psy.D. @Melissa BearTrix

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams)

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21.01.2025 10:32
display (

Hallo liebe Fedinauten auf,

da, wie bereits geschrieben, auf dem neuen Server ein Testimport dieser Instanz erfolgreich verlaufen ist, gibt es für den Umzug dieser Friendica Instanz einen neuen Termin. Dieser ist geplant für kommenden Donnerstag (23.01.) ab ca. 07:00.

Die zuvor notwendige DB Optimierung, Sicherung der DB und Einspielen der DB auf dem neuen Server wird schätzungsweise 24h dauern. Danach sind auf dem neuen Server noch Nacharbeiten notwendig. Der Plan ist also, dass im Laufe des Freitags (24.10.) diese Instanz dann mit dem neuen Server in den normalen Betrieb gehen kann. Sofern nicht wieder etwas dazwischenkommt. Daumen drücken ist also angesagt. 😉

Sollte es zu Verzögerungen kommen oder andere notwendige Infos anfallen, werde ich diese wieder über mein BackUp-Profil veröffentlichen. Dieses findet ihr hier:…
Wer also auf dem neuesten Stand während des Umzuges bleiben möchte, sollte dieses Konto abonnieren. #Friendica

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21.01.2025 10:21
arzi (

I made a Friendica account. I'm not going to add every random person, but if you're someone I've interacted with here and want to also connect on Friendica, feel free to connect:


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21.01.2025 09:48
johannesalbrecth (

Hey, pessoal venho de novo fazer um apelo. Vou anexar os prints que tirei.
Eu nao consigo de forma alguma usar esses softwares #friendica , #diaspora , #akkoma , #mbin! Estão todos instalados, rodando normalmente, mas nao uso as configurações e nao entendo o funcionamento. Não ha muitos tutorias atualizados na web. eu nao sei programar. gostaria de centralizar no #friendica muita coisa e usar #rss que não abro mão. Peço pra alguém dessa instancia me ajudar! Vou aos prints.

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21.01.2025 09:39
enannenen (

#metaprat om #fødiverset oppdatert

* #mastodon kan se og følge #pixelfed
* #friendica kan følge pixelfed

* pixelfed kan følge mastodon
* pixelfed kan følge friendica

pixelfed og friendica ser bare innhold fra fulgte kontakter.
mastodon kan vise ytterligere innhold.

friendica bruker lang tid på å spre oppdateringer
(men det kan skyldes den konkrete instansen)

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21.01.2025 09:34
joaoalberto9009 (

Hey, pessoal venho de novo fazer um apelo. Vou anexar os prints que tirei.
Eu nao consigo de forma alguma usar esses softwares #friendica , #diaspora , #akkoma , #mbin! Estão todos instalados, rodando normamente, mas nao uso as configurações e nao entendo o funcionamento. Não ha muitos tutorias atualizados na web. eu nao sei programar. gostaria de centralizar no #friendica muita coisa e usar #rss que não abro mão. Peço pra alguém dessa instancia me ajudar! Vou aos prints.

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21.01.2025 09:33
joaoalberto (

Hey, pessoal venho de novo fazer um apelo. Vou anexar os prints que tirei.
Eu nao consigo de forma alguma usar esses softwares #friendica , #diaspora , #akkoma , #mbin! Estão todos instalados, rodando normamente, mas nao uso as configurações e nao entendo o funcionamento. Não ha muitos tutorias atualizados na web. eu nao sei programar. gostaria de centralizar no #friendica muita coisa e usar #rss que não abro mão. Peço pra alguém dessa instancia me ajudar! Vou aos prints.

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21.01.2025 09:12
item (
@utopiArte Friendica or, better yet, (streams) or Hubzilla.

Friendica has been around since 2010. It's the oldest surviving Fediverse project. It even predates diaspora* by several months. It was created with the very intent of having an alternative to Facebook that's better than Facebook.

Hubzilla was created in 2015 from a 2012 Friendica fork, all by Friendica's own creator. So it's older than Mastodon, too.

(streams) is from 2021, the most technologically advanced of the bunch. It was created by the same guy who also made Friendica, Hubzilla and everything in-between, and who still maintains it.

Just yesterday, I've published a comparison of all three with Mastodon.

There's also the (streams) fork Forte which is basically (streams) with a name, a brand identity and a license and without any support for the Nomad protocol, only using ActivityPub for everything. But I don't recommend it as long as it isn't officially declared stable.

"Unshittified, decentralized, and free" applies to all four. Friendica was relicensed by its new maintainers from the MIT license to the GNU Affero GPL in 2012. Hubzilla and Forte are still under the MIT license. And at least the core streams repository was intentionally released into the public domain.

CC: @Cory Doctorow @Rusty Shackleford

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Facebook #FacebookAlternative #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte

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21.01.2025 07:24
display (
@OperationMuensterland Mmh. Leider wird das Foto in #friendica nicht im Hochformat angezeigt.

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21.01.2025 06:53
display (

I just tried the friendica app on Windows, and I don't understand it at all. It's exactly the same as the website, from the layout, to the inaccessible parts. Why would I want to install any program that acts and looks exactly like a website? Is this some strange sighted thing?

#apps #Friendica #technology #websites #Windows

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21.01.2025 04:47

I signed up for #friendica tonight, just waiting on admin approval. Also signed up for #funkwhale and am trying to figure out what I’m doing 😆

Catch me (?) on funkwhale at!

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