@Doony A big difference between #Mastodon and #Friendica for me is also the way threads are displayed: Friendica has a proper thread view, whereas Mastodon displays all posts and replies individually, jumbled up and without context in the timeline. Friendica also offers many more options for structuring content: you can create topic-specific channels, sort bookmarks into folders and many more functions
@emon@shellsharks Yeah, I do agree unfortunately. I host my own #Friendica instance, but I practically require an account on another big instance for discovery purposes.
My global feed is only populated with accounts that users on my instance (aka me) already follow, so in order to populate my global feed, I need to follow people (that I find where exactly without a global feed?).
#Friendica Was fott es, es fott, sagt der Kölner. Ich Hab mich jetzt unter #Yunohost genug mit Friendica herumgeärgert und erkläre den Versuch für gescheitert. Dann hab ich jetzt auch wieder die Zeit, mich voll auf #Mastodon zu konzentrieren 🙂
Quand les 2 milliards d'utlisateurs et utilisatrices de Facebook voudront quitter le navire (boutade), on les oriente vers quoi ? #Friendica ? (vraie question)
Un seul compte pour suivre tous les autres, c'est la force du Fédivers, autant y venir de suite par la porte qui convient le mieux
Persönlich habe ich mal testweise eine #Friendica-Instanz aufgesetzt... das läuft im klassischen #LAMP-Umfeld (wie auch #Pixelfed, wenn ich das richtig sehe).
Habe mich dann aber auf (m)eine Eigenentwicklung fokussiert: #Mammuthus.
Da brainstorme ich zwar ein wenig, was Hosting und andere Services angeht... im aktuellen Zustand wäre das aber vermutlich eher noch die Abteilung Abenteuer... 😉
Friendica: created by a professional software developer with three decades of experience Mastodon: created by a kid almost fresh out of school
Friendica: adheres to ActivityPub standards Mastodon: flips the bird at standards, keeps developing its own proprietary and non-standard things and tries to force them upon the rest of the Fediverse
Friendica: aims to connect not only to the whole Fediverse and support it, but also to connect to a whole lot of things outside the ActivityPub-based Fediverse Mastodon: seemingly intentionally makes everything that isn't Mastodon look broken or faulty
Friendica: shows you what server software a post, a comment or a DM came from Mastodon: tries to make everyone believe that everything in the Fediverse is from Mastodon
Friendica: counts your unread items Mastodon: doesn't know the concept of "unread"; you scroll down your timeline until you want no more, and you'll never know what you've never read although you should have
Friendica: conversations are enclosed objects with one (1) post at the top and otherwise any number of comments Mastodon: doesn't know what conversations are, strings threads loosely together from posts and more posts
Friendica: timeline full of conversations with post and usually all comments Mastodon: piecemeal timeline full of single posts which may or may not have replies, and which may or may not be replies
Friendica: can both (optionally) send and properly render long-form Article-type objects Mastodon: staunchly refuses to even render Article-type objects and turns them into links
You've already mentioned this: Friendica: practically unlimited post length Mastodon: 500 characters unless the admin hacks into the source code
Friendica: has titles Mastodon: doesn't know what titles are
Friendica: can create the whole shebang of text formatting Mastodon: can only create plain text and render a small subset of text formatting options
Friendica: take as many images as you want and embed them anywhere in your post in-line Mastodon: only supports images as file attachments and only four of these, refuses to render in-line images
Friendica: built-in file space with its own file manager from which you can attach e.g. images and other media to your posts Mastodon: your file attachments land somewhere that you can't see
Friendica: has had group support and built-in groups since its beginnings, but also recognises and supports group actors from elsewhere, e.g. Guppe groups, Hubzilla forums, (streams) groups, Forte groups, Lemmy communities, Mbin magazines, PieFed communities Mastodon: doesn't know what groups are, doesn't recognise them when it comes across them and doesn't know what to do with them
Friendica: has at least rudimentary permissions control Mastodon: doesn't know what permissions are; only knows a few privacy levels for posts, hiding your profile and hiding your contacts, that's all; takes everything from Friendica, Hubzilla & Co. that isn't fully public as a PM because it doesn't know what else to do with it
Friendica: has had well-integrated circles since before diaspora* had aspects which Google+ ripped off as circles Mastodon: had a clunky and user-unfriendly list feature glued on after the fact
Friendica: you can post only to the members of a circle, only they can see your post, only they can interact with your post, they can also interact with each other's comments Mastodon: you can't post only to the members of a list
Friendica: built-in directory plus contact suggestions based on similarities in profiles and/or common connections, just like on Facebook Mastodon: no directory, most servers require you to use the search to find new contacts, doesn't even have the profile fields for Facebook-level contact suggestions
Friendica: can automatically generate reader-side content warnings for you individually from a list of keywords; this has been deepy engrained into Friendica's culture for over a decade Mastodon: uses the summary field for CWs that are forced upon everyone; can use its filters to generate CWs like Friendica, but nobody knows, and this will never become part of Mastodon's culture
Friendica: community is open and friendly towards everyone who is open and friendly, no matter where they are, including non-ActivityPub places like diaspora*, because connecting with the whole world is one of Friendica's goals; users are only irritated by obnoxious Mastodon fundamentalists Mastodon: community is only open and friendly towards those who act like they're on Mastodon or even only who are on Mastodon; its culture is openly and unabashedly hostile against everything in the Fediverse that doesn't work exactly like Mastodon to the point of this hostility becoming part of Mastodon's culture; users may attack and/or block you for as little as posting over 500 characters at once or otherwise doing things not the Mastodon way
Friendica: users are aware of the extents of the Fediverse and eager to connect to everywhere, even including beyond ActivityPub Mastodon: every other user thinks the Fediverse is Mastodon