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08.02.2025 11:35
simonperry (

ciao amici; qualcuno di vuoi puoi aiutarmi a suggerire qualcosa di utile al mio caro amico Alessandro (@aletena)? (Tenendo presente che il suo profilo è su #poliverso, quindi #friendica )

Per il momento gli ho suggerito di usare i tag per seguire argomenti di interesse e di accedere da browser anziché da app per ricercare più facilmente.

Qualcuno conosce una guida sintetica per muoversi meglio su Poliverso?

#mastoaiuto #FriendicaHelp #FriendicaTips

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08.02.2025 10:12
rpsu (

What kind of hardware is needed to host #Friendica and/or #gathio? I’m mainly interested in if it can be run on a #raspi or something tiny of that size.

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08.02.2025 03:48
MsDropbear42 (

@voxel @jerry When you say ...

Blocking RSS takes this ability away from them, ultimately harming both members and those who interact with them

...i might be misunderstanding your intended meaning, so the following might be irrelevant to your purpose. That said, fwiw:

I'm using an alternative front-end web client for my IS account; #Statuzer. I discovered last night that it [just like the non-Masto #Friendica SW, for Friendica instances] supports #RSS, so i have now added an extra column to my Statuzer multi-column UI, being the RSS feed from one of my news sites.

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08.02.2025 01:33
jjjacq (

C'est bien sur #mastodon et sur #friendica aussi.

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07.02.2025 23:21
djpanini (

Cavoli c'è qualcosa che non funziona su #poliversoOrg .deve essere caduto il server. Il mio giretto su #Friendica stasera salta 😭

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07.02.2025 21:51
display (
Like, for instance, if someone mentions a #Mastodon account in a post I'm seeing on #Friendica and I tap / click on the account handle, it opens Mastodon on a browser, which means I can't just follow it with my Friendica account. Wouldn't it be easier (if at all possible) to see the account "on Friendica", as it were, so people could just hit follow?

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07.02.2025 18:17
FiXato (

Content warning:ActivityPub / Fedi server nitty gritty

@mattgrayyes #Friendica (which has a shared ancestor with #Streams) can also be worth looking into. It's a bit more #Diaspora* / #GooglePlus / Facebook-like.
It has some media type filters available, as well as more fine-grained contact type filters, and supposedly can also have multiple profiles per account, though I couldn't quickly figure that out in my old test account.

#Hubzilla is also quite elaborate, but I never really got into it for the same reason Friendica never fully grabbed me; it felt too clunky and too unfocused in its features. That's what eventually made Mastodon my primary social media account after Google+ shut down; it was the most polished one, and had a more streamlined focus, as well as the more active mobile app ecosystem. I eventually settled on a #GlitchSoc fork instance because of its additional features such as formatting and longer post lengths, though nowadays I would also consider #Hometown because of its Article support.

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07.02.2025 18:12
display (
@steffimania @karsbehr Vielleicht brauchst Du ja auch noch #Friendica, für lange mit #Markdown formatierte Texte 😀

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07.02.2025 17:35
hpiirai ( Kuuli se, mutta vastaus ei näy tälle puolelle, kuten oli odotettavissakin (

#Friendica #Diaspora #fediversumi #testi

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07.02.2025 16:24
display (

@eamestoy // v.01

Enrique wrote:

generosa en lo que a, caracteres por toot refiere

I know

Digo, lo se.
Disculpa venia de conversas en ingles y estoy escuchando a #GeorgeCarlin de fondo.

Si se les ocurre un tema para un foro, por ejemplo "periodismo, avisen y lo inventaremos.

Y por cierto, donde esta @guillermouria tiene 5000 characteres.
@NaTXa se esta mudando en estos momentos por ejemplo.
Recomendacion, dejar la cuenta como perfil secundario "marca registrada", en todo caso como cuenta de reenvio de tut's seleccionados y referenciar bien la cuenta activa. Y percatarse y meditar sobre las diferencias de un servidor en un garage en uy y uno de la casa matriz en alemania, incluyendo aspectos legales por ejemplo. de hecho es lo que fue en su tiempo.
Servidor del "projecto inicial".
No esta mas, casi que no.
El projecto #diaspora fue copado por la comunidad y sigue existiendo en otras instancias.
Sin emabargo se logro por ejemplo de rescatar un perfil y publicarlo como subdominio:
Y .. o milagro .. ahi estan casi todas las publicaciones y enlaces de lo que hable.
Incluso una increible censura a una cuenta parodia en tuiter de nombre @pacallelou (o algo asi).
No es muy largo dicho perfil, porque justamente era eso, secundario, #marcaRegistrada y excepcionales publicaciones.

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07.02.2025 15:43
display (

@chris Without knowing Facebook, I would also say that #Friendica can be described as an alternative. But it is probably both less and more than that.

Here are some insights into Friendica :
Slides "Friendica, Under the radar since 2010" (FOSDEM 2025) by @tobias
video series "Friendica tutorial Pt 1 of 6: Explaining Friendica/Facebook comparisons and how to join." by @anubis2814
Blog "The Future of Social is Here: a Show and Tell (part 3: Friendica)" by @_elena
Blog "When to use Friendica over Mastodon" by @ericbuijs1

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07.02.2025 13:55
_elena (

Update: the installation went well (thank you YunoHost!)

But! I was having second thoughts about what would be my Friendica handle. Too long and convoluted, even if it was just an "fr" subdomain...

So I went ahead and purchased a new domain name with the .fr extension (because, conveniently I'm in France and fr = first two letters of Friendica).

I'm about to re-install Friendica again on the new domain. Feeling like a bit of a 🤡 sometimes, but it is what it is 💁‍♀️

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