Los comandos que necesito para trabajar con git desde la terminal https://myblog.clonbg.es/los-comandos-que-necesito-para-trabajar-con-git-desde-la-terminal/ #Terminal #Git https://clonbg.es
Is it just me or this GitHub's home page having issues?
Highlights from Git 2.47
Check it out! 👇
I used to think Git was just for saving files to a cloud server. It wasn't until I worked on a team of developers that I recognized how valuable other features of Git, like branching, were. The concept is simple, git branches basically allow you to "branch" off from one point in your project's history to fix a bug, create a new feature, or just explore a new idea. This won't affect the "main" branch of the project until this branch is "merged" back into the "main" branch.
I found an interesting behavior in Git merge: when merging from one branch to another, Git compares the content from three commits: the base commit, the HEAD commit, and the merging commit (target commit). If the contents in either the HEAD commit or the merging commit are the same as those in the base commit, the contents in the other commit are applied to the merged commit.
Russian contributors have been removed from the #Linux #MAINTAINERS file.
Commit message:
"Remove some entries due to various compliance requirements. They can come back in the future if sufficient documentation is provided."
What do you think about this?
#Russia #sanctions #nationalism #liberalism #compliance #opensource #FOSS #freedom #freespeech #git #discrimination #nation
Going for a record!
"Gittet und ihr werdet empfangen, dass eure Freude vollkommen sei."
– Bibel, Johannes 16:24
Wir hatten einen erkenntnisreichen Austausch mit dem @ekhn -Medienhaus zu git(lab) und es wächst die Begeisterung, dass wir mit einem versionierbaren und asynchronen Workflow nicht nur agil unterwegs sind, sondern digitale Souveränität mit einer technischen Infrastruktur verbunden ist, die uns einen guten Grund dazu gibt.
sola #git !
J’avais lu un article qui expliquait pourquoi facebook n’était pas passé à #git
and have practiced Test-Driven Development for almost 15 years. I understand that tests shouldn't be too small in scope, nor too large, and I avoid global Dependency Injection registration logic. I also see a lot of value in the SOLID principles, and have used them to build successful codebases. I've applied #EventSourcing in a large distributed system and still support the decision. And finally, I use both a #Git GUI and the CLI simultaneously. Just remember:
#heptapod 17.3.2 released, featuring #gitlab 17.3.6 regular patch update Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/heptapod/heptapod/tags?name=17.3.2 Changelog: https://foss.heptapod.net/heptapod/heptapod/-/blob/heptapod-17.3.2/HEPTAPOD_CHANGELOG.md #git #mercurial
TIL u can write the output of `git diff` to a file (`git diff > foobar.patch`) and use it as a patch, which you can then apply with `git apply foobar.patch` #git