O1-Preview inspired me to look into professional Game-Dev tools. Yesterday I decided to try Godot and I did. In the evening, I wrote a simple platformer with landscapes, collectible coins, flying platforms, and enemies. It turned out to be playable! The principle is clear. Now I just need to come up with a good game idea and dare to create something real.
#GameDev #Godot #Platformer #IndieGame #GameDevelopment
O1-Preview inspired me to look into professional game development tools. Yesterday, I decided to try Godot and I did. By the evening, I had written a simple platformer with landscapes, collectible coins, flying platforms, and enemies. It turned out to be playable! I understand the principle. Now, I just need to come up with a good idea for a game and muster the courage to create something real.
#Godot #GameDev #Platformer #IndieDev #Gaming #Development #Inspiration
O1-Preview inspirerade mig att titta på professionella Game-Dev-verktyg. Igår bestämde jag mig för att prova Godot och jag testade det. Under kvällen skrev jag en enkel plattformsspel med landskap, mynt som kan samlas in, flygande plattformar och fiender. Det blev spelbart! Principen är tydlig. Nu återstår det bara att komma på en bra idé för spelet och bestämma mig för att skriva något på riktigt.
#GameDev #Godot #Spelutveckling #Plattformsspel
A great resource I might need to dive into today for game dev with GODOT.
Some of the recent updates to COGITO came from some amazing contributors.
A quick one was just added today: Integration of #Dialogic timelines!
A simple component that can be attached to interactive objects and that can reference your Dialogic timelines.
With this, COGITO now supports two different Dialogue add ons.
#COGITO #Godot #GodotEngine
#GameDev #IndieDev #IndieGameDev #
For a relatively small amount of work, HDR particles create great effects
#gamedev #indiegame #indiegames #gaming #indiedev #godot #godotengine #madewithgodot #videogames #lowpoly
@HexagonNico Nice, I am a fan of the genre.
Unsolicited advice: the Ice and Cobblestones probably should appear to be different height levels if possible to make the mechanic/solution more easily recognizable.
Ready to play as is for all the nostalgic lolos. #Godot
What is everyone's opinion on this kind of puzzles?
#gamedev #indiegame #indiegames #gaming #indiedev #zelda #zeldalike #pixelart #godot #godotengine #madewithgodot
We're using a 1920x1080 canvas size for our #FediJam adventure game and I'm preparing to knock up some programmer character animations to go with that.
So while I work today, I'm trying to learn about proportionality and scale, which is in part covered by this pixel art class video:
Pixel Art Class - What's The Right Canvas Size? - Character Sizes
I originally concluded that Escoria's demo character, the rather punchable Graham (no relation to Graham of Daventry) was far too big for how I'd like to imagine a P&C adventure protag to be when in Escoria's default setting, but it's also become clear that I'm working on far too vast a scale for my programmer art (TM) and should be upscaling Graham (200px tall) more to match my 1080 scene height.
But also maybe everything needs to be lower res?
We need to set some firm rules about proportion and, maybe, depth. Or wing it on a scene-by-scene basis, as there's only going to be maybe three scenes, tops.
Okay, back to paying work now.
This was also my first time working in #godot and there are some things that are so much easier to do in Godot like event listener stuff and referencing.
As a game engine, it seems designed for it.
I participated in a Game Jam recently by #wholesomegames and made a #wholesomegame
Boba Fantasy is a bubble tea potion making game where you have to figure out what customers want from their clues
The artist in the team were so talented! I'm happy for it.
I wished we were able to delegate the work more effectively. While I contributed code to the game, there were times where I wasn't given anything to do. I felt a bit underutilised #gamejam #gamedev #godot
Planning stream semaine 38 (2024) 🗓️
- mardi 17 septembre,
- mercredi 18 septembre,
- jeudi 19 septembre.
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À bientôt sur http://twitch.tv/formamac 🍎
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