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12.02.2025 18:09
djoerd (

@ACM I don't have #LinkedIn. How do I read the ACM newsletter?

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12.02.2025 17:22
lindseygamble_ (

LinkedIn makes it easier for users to send posts to connections via a redesgined Send experience. #linkedin #socialmedia

Posted into LINKEDIN NEWS & UPDATES @linkedin-news-updates-LindseyGamble_

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12.02.2025 17:20
augieray (

LinkedIn reinstated my posts about the ongoing risks of . I appreciate the support I received from folks here and escalating, reviewing, and reversing the earlier decisions.

I pointed out to the LinkedIn contact who reached out to me that I was far from the only person who has had accurate posts taken down. So, I will continue to fight COVID indifference and do my best to keep people informed with accurate information.

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12.02.2025 15:31
joeycdev (

Infinite loading again...

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12.02.2025 14:35
manuelvh (

No se si solo me pasa a mi, pero ultimamente #linkedin me sorprende con ofertas de trabajo que no me esperaba.

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12.02.2025 14:13
SandrineFB (

@tangee dites également, je surencheris, par quoi remplacez-vous ??

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12.02.2025 13:34
SikkomRSS (

[13:05] Gerald doet op Linkedin beklag over ‘kom je helemaal uit Grunn’ en gaat viraal: ‘Gevoelige snaar geraakt’

Altijd dat gezeik van Randstedelingen dat Groningen zo ver weg is. Vermoeiend. Irritant. Houd toch je bek te janken. Dat dacht Gerald Hammenga, in ietwat genuanceerdere woorden, toen hij op Linkedin zijn beklag deed. Twee dagen later is zijn post viraal gegaan. „Ik heb een gevoelige snaar geraakt.”

#Randstedelingen #Groningen #Houd #Gerald #Linkedin #Tweedagenlater

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12.02.2025 12:45
elsua (

And you know what's even more hilarious? I have got 5 followers in my account and I get a whole lot more traction / 'engagement' than in with 3k contacts in there posting multiple times per week.

What does that say about the process LI is currently going through that most people just can't see it? 😱

Yeah, I know,

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12.02.2025 11:35
bloginfo (

De l’intérêt de #Linkedin ? Cela vaut aussi pour #Mastodon.

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12.02.2025 09:37
HistoPol (



FakeNews sind nicht gegen die Community-Richtlinien auf ?
"Free Speech Absolutist" much?

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11.02.2025 23:56
ameel (

LinkedIn should have an eye-roll reaction emoji. Bonus points if it has limited visibility, so only the friends you like to get snarky with can see it :)

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11.02.2025 21:28
HistoPol (


* has procured a list of the (so far) 30 people working for 's *


...The reported that she was also listed as a employee."

"...Some White House DOGE staff have corporate finance and management backgrounds.

graduated from the 's business college in 2022. She worked for for about two years, according to her ...

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