Got the usual email from LinkedIn, this one about all the jobs available now. This one in particular jumped out at me.
There's also another for a "Volunteer: Food Truck Owner".
#Jobs #TRump #GoldenAge #LinkedIn
Appeals to technical support is impossible, first you need to authorize in the account, which I can not do.
I created a new account with junk data and opened a request describing the situation with a link to the original profile data. It was closed, asking me to apply on behalf of this profile, which I cannot do.
Even under GDPR I am unable to request the destruction of all my data. They are now hostages of Microsoft.
#LinkedIn is shit.
#LinkedIn is shit.
I had a profile that simply existed as an alternative channel for recruiters. After setting up a couple of hundred contacts, the system forcibly unlogged me and won't let me back in: after entering my credentials, I was asked to confirm my number, but no SMS was received.
An attempt to reset the password ends with a request to undergo verification, which in principle does not work. I am told that verification is basically impossible for Russian citizens.
@DeliaChristina I did it! #DEI #DEIA #SupportDEI #LinkedIn
Why does Linekdin send me an email every few days with "Veronica, you’re on a roll on LinkedIn!" when I am in fact not rolling with it at all!
I don't really make any updates of note unless I switch job, which I haven't done since 2021. I never post anything, and congratulate someone perhaps a couple of times a year because why would I spend any time on that site anyway?
@cschack maybe people have #LinkedIn to know who to avoid?
I hate #LinkedIn and deleted my account. Nowadays when people ask for my account and I say "I don't have one" they look sceptical...
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know I had to legitimize myself by being apart of perhaps the most toxic professional circle jerk online.
The less I have to deal with #motivationalspeakers , the better.
Ugh, #LinkedIn is basically a target-rich environment of future collaborators.
If your LinkedIn post starts with “In today’s fast-paced digital world”,
Congratulations, I have stopped reading.
@augieray What are you doing on #LinkedIn
"LinkedIn - Der Kompaktkurs im Frühjahr 2025" mit Gesa Oldenkamp
Der Frühbuchschluss für dieses Online-Seminar ist der 14.2.2025!
#BücherFrauen #Seminar #Workshop #LinkedIn
How many international keynote speakers, coaches, and thought leaders does it take to change a light bulb?
All of them—except the light bulb never gets changed because they were too busy shitposting on #LinkedIn.