I’ve been spending time on Linkedin for work purposes. It’s a strange place. Everyone is in business development mode and on their best behavior. Not much in the way of complaining or honesty for that matter.
I just can’t believe they all think anyone is all that interested in hearing them talk to the camera. The worst are the people who hold the lav mic in front of their mouths. But equally weird are the ones with big mics and headphones.
It’s got that life coach vibe.
TechCrunch: LinkedIn passes $2B in premium revenue in 12 months, with overall revenue up 9% on the year. “On Wednesday, as Microsoft reported its Q2 numbers, the company noted that LinkedIn revenue has grown 9% over the last year. And later, in earnings remarks, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella confirmed that LinkedIn passed a record $2 billion in Premium subscriptions revenue in the last 12 […]
My 2ct:
Alles hat seinen Preis. Wenn jemand mit Modalitäten kommt die mir mein AG nicht bietet oder bieten kann, dann bin ich weg.
Das hat nicht notwendigerweise was mit Geld zu tun! Wenn ich geile Benefits angeboten bekomme die ich aktuell nicht habe, dann reizt mich das natürlich schon!
Und nein, keine Angst: Aktuell kann mir keiner bessere Modalitäten bieten als mein aktueller AG - AUSSER signifikant mehr Kohle. Aber dazu muss halt alles andere genauso passen.
Und ja, dieser Post wurde von einer #linkedin Anfrage getriggert 😆.
Why I practice #reverseAdvertising, and the problem of the #snich. Anyway. On #LinkedIn I made a post about the hilarious conversations I had with people about why snitching is bad. Kids terrorize each other about the topic. I thought Let me put a stop to this. 'Why do you ask me, not to snitch?'. 'It is you, who willingly takes the risk?' So, I say to them I'll always tell the truth'. Now, people are self selecting, sifting. Scammers avoid me as the plague, and I have peace of mind.
If I never see another LinkedIn "professional" posting a selfie holding up a whiteboard with their thought written on it...
#SocialMediaHell #LinkedIn #SocialMedia #FacebookForTheBackToTheOfficeCrowd
✍ Quitting LinkedIn
🔎 Enshittification strikes again. It's gotten so bad on LinkedIn, I deleted my account.
👤 Dave Mason
Démarchage téléphonique, #Tiktok, 30%, #xBox, #Xchat, #Microsoft, fusion nucléaire et #LinkedIn, on en parle ce soir dans #TechCraft en #live dès 21H sur http://live.techcraft.fr !
I search using #DuckDuckGo for lots of reasons. For one, I can disable the AI-generated nonsense (though I question why it was ever added).
Unfortunately I now have to add '-LinkedIn' to every search because #LinkedIn has created a firehose of spammy content using AI. More than 25% of search results now point to AI-generated madness.
Ooh, irony can come at 'ya pretty fast sometimes.
#LAWildfires #LinkedIn #ClimateChange
#Freelance #medical #writer Rebecca Huxley has put together a free guide on how to find #clients through #LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/health-medical-fitness-freelance-writer_how-do-you-get-more-clients-on-linkedin-activity-7290734871277113344-DLd2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios
@pldn@mastodon.nl Aanmelden met #LinkedIn? Beetje jammer van een Fediverse account om mensen weer naar een gesloten platform proberen te lokken, zeker een Amerikaanse...
Incidentally, the #MWC registration process had two interesting features: #interoperability with #LinkedIn (and a reminder users need more control over individual capabilities... I'll be watching for MWC publishing to my feed!) and scanning of national ID for registration -- is that proportionate under the #GDPR? 🤨