Hard to think of a better example of this than Will Stancil, a failed statehouse candidate who exemplified Late Twitter’s wave of anti-experts—see also ettingermentum—in the incredible prominence he achieved for takes that ingested all the conventional wisdom while pretending to be iconoclastic. He’d post and dunk angrily all day about how voters just didn’t perceive “the economy” correctly because of #TikTok, instead of questioning if “the economy” was a worthwhile analytic category at all.
Revolut°Permanente🚩 États-Unis. Qu'est-ce qui se cache derrière la tentative d'interdiction de TikTok ?: Alors que Donald Trump vient d'être investi comme 47e président des États-Unis, la question de l'interdiction – ou non – de TikTok reste un sujet brûlant malgré le rétablissement de la plateforme dimanche, quelques heures après avoir été désactivée.International / États-Unis / Secundaria3 / Donald… https://www.revolutionpermanente.fr/Etats-Unis-Qu-est-ce-qui-se-cache-derriere-la-tentative-d-interdiction-de-TikTok?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon 🚩RP #TikTok #DonaldTrump #InterdictionTikTok #RéseauxSociaux #ÉtatsUnis
Revolut°Permanente🚩 États-Unis. Qu'est-ce qui se cache derrière la tentative d'interdiction de TikTok ?: Alors que Donald Trump vient d'être investi comme 47e président des États-Unis, la question de l'interdiction – ou non –… 🚩RP #TikTok #DonaldTrump #InterdictionTikTok #RéseauxSociaux #ÉtatsUnis
États-Unis. Qu'est-ce qui se c...
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Here for the talks about what we’re doing in Chicago. You know what I’m speaking on #tiktok
:ohIch finds ja grade richtig richtig spannend, was da bei #REDnote passiert… es kommen immer noch jede menge neue Amis dazu, obwohl #TikTok ja inzwischen wieder läuft im Hysterikerland. Und die Aussagen, die da von vielen Amis kommen, sind schon echt Gold. Irgendwann mach ich mal screenshots 😀
Schade nur, das da kaum deutsche zu finden sind, das würde denen echt gut tun… also den deutschen, meine ich.
Content warning:Creepy tiktok ads
Wtf. Is the billionare breeding propaganda showing up on #tiktok for real?
User can't say fuck but they can opt-in softcore pr0n to users?
Ngl, graphic video ads for mobile sex and violence were major in driving me off tumblr.
Idk. I don't feel like opening the app this week.
beautifully incoherent trump answer on #tiktok -
>I got to use it. And remember, TikTok is largely about kids. Young kids. If China is gonna get information about young kids, I don't know -- to be honest with you, I think we have bigger problems than that. via https://substack.com/profile/696120-aaron-rupar/note/c-87476246
ugh titkok!
via Kaya Yurieff on LinkedIn: "#TikTok has gone full MAGA"
Have any of the #TikTok refugees made it here? Who should I be following?
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It is buckwild that people went from TikTok…an American company storing its data in the US and collecting no more or less user data than any other social media platform…to an app explicitly controlled by the Chinese government in Red Note.